11-22-2020 Inter-Church Thanksgiving Service



Sermon Notes

FSBFPI Report   Treasurers Report   Filam Announcement

Filipino Southern Baptist Fellowship of the Pacific
Venue: Mililani Baptist Church
In-Person & Virtual Joint Thanksgiving Service & Annual Meeting
November 22, 2020 at 1:00 p.m.
12:30 p.m. start connecting to Zoom Meeting, click here
Meeting ID: 821 4390 1803    Password: 941043

“The Power of Blessing”

Pre Worship Songs
Hawaii Christian Baptist Church
Praise Team

Welcome & Aloha / Greetings
Fil-Am Welcome
Robert Mindo, Fil-Am Moderator

Mililani Baptist Welcome

Pastor Dennis Andrews
FSBFPI Welcome & Aloha / Greetings
Pastor Noel Domingo

Call to Worship: Psalm 100
Jun Tubana 

Opening Prayer (Zoom)
Pastor Daniel Capinpin

Praise & Worship
Hawaii Christian Baptist Church
Praise & Worship Team

Scripture Reading
Numbers 6:22–27

Randy Beltran

Praise & Worship
Word of Truth
Praise & Worship Team

 Thanksgiving Message
"Praying A Blessing To Someone"
Numbers 6:22-27
Pastor Bong

Offertory Sentence:
Psalm 96:7–9

Leo Baniaga

 Offertory Prayer
Romeo Mindo

 FSBFPI Annual Meeting : President’s Report
Pastor Fermin Ancho
Treasurers Report

 Closing Song
“The Blessing”

Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church
Praise & Worship Team

Closing Remarks / Prayer
Wilson Pascua / Pastor Rudy Gomintong

Robert Mindo, Fil-Am
Pastor Rudy Gomintong, HCBC
Pastor Daniel Capinpin, WOT


*** Note: Let's ZOOM Best Practices:

"Zoom Meetings" allows church members to plugged in to meetings like, prayer, worship, etc., remotely. As we implement this new technology, kindly keep these best practice ethical manners in mind:

1. BE ON TIME - allow yourself time to log in with the Zoom meeting ID provided.

2. BE READY AND SHOW UP - fix your hair, dress properly, sit up and look alive. Make sure your camera is on.

3. BE ATTENTIVE - remember you are here to meet/learn/worship. Refrain from distracting activities such as eating. Participate.

4. BE FLEXIBLE - if technical difficulty occurs, please be patient and stand by. You will be reconnected once connectivity is restored.



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