11-22-2020 FSBFP President's Report


Filipino Southern Baptist Fellowship of the Pacific, Inc.
Annual Meeting
November 22, 2020, 2:00 pm at Mililani Baptist Church & FB Live Stream


Executive Committee
Pastor Fermin Ancho, President (HCBC)
Jun Tubana, V-President (HCBC)
Shelby, Secretary (WOT)
Charimhel Rarallo, Treasurer (WOT)

Wilson Pascua, BJ Acosta (WOT)
Leo Baniaga, Joel Garganta (HCBC)
Tess Gante, Julie Catlin, Tina Abagon, Rossana Mindo (MFABC)

Rudy Gomintong (HCBC), Bong Abagon (MFABC), and Daniel Capinpin (WOT)


* Call the Meeting to Order: _______ 

I.  First things first, glory to God for His faithfulness and sustaining grace since the new Board of Trustees (BOT) comprising of the Executive Committee and Members took office in November 2019.

II.  The BOT reports the following activities/accomplishments from November 24, 2019 to November 22, 2020:

            A.  On November 24, 2019, during the Annual Meeting, a new BOT was elected as follows: President, Pastor Fermin Ancho (HCBC); V-President, Jun Tubana (HCBC); Secretary, Shelby Tangonan (Acosta) (WOT); Treasurer, Charimhel Rarallo (WOT); Members: Wilson: Pascua (WOT), BJ Acosta (WOT), Leo Baniaga (HCBC), Joel Garganta (HCBC). Subsequently, MFABC has elected Tess Gante and Julie Catlin to serve for the first six months and then Tina Abagon and Rossana Mindo to serve for the remaining six months.

            B.  A transition meeting was held on December 16 and subsequently, the BOT met on January 21, February 18, April 4, July 1, and September 29. Per the Constitution and By-Laws, the BOT meets once a quarter. In addition, the Executive Committee met as needed before the scheduled BOT meeting.

            C.  MFABC led and hosted a Joint Christmas Worship Service on December 19, at Cornerstone in Mililani in coordination with HCBC and WOT.

            D.  Led a Joint Virtual Easter Service in coordination with HCBC, MFABC, and WOT.

            E.  Led an in-person and virtual Joint Thanksgiving Service and Annual Meeting in coordination with HCBC, WOT, and MFABC, held at Mililani BC.

            F.  Coordinated a couple of Quick Share Evangelism training with Evangelism Explosion Philippines. There were 6 graduates, 38 persons were presented with the gospel, 13 prayed to receive, 13 no decision, 1 rejection, 10 already a Christian.

            G.  Participated in Men’s and Women’s virtual fellowship.

            H.  Participated in the in-person/virtual Oahu Baptist Network Annual Meeting held on 11/18/2020.

            I.  Helped two members from benevolent funds ($100 each).

            J.  Donated $60 for each member churches towards virtual/online meeting subscription (i.e., Zoom).

            K.  Treasurers Report as of 11/20/2020 (See attached Spreadsheet):

1.    Current Balance: $4,188.08

2.    Income: $937.00

3.    Expenses: $435.31


III.  Lines of Effort (LOEs) for December 2020 to November 2021:

            A.  Evangelism & Follow Up training using Quick Share tool in coordination with Evangelism Explosion Philippines. Goal: hold 4 classes and 100 soul to be saved and followed up.

            B.  Church Leadership Training (Summer).

            C.  Church Administration Training (Spring).

            D.  Partner/Support (financial and publicity) mission trip(s) to the Philippines.

            E.  Continue the Joint Worship Services: (Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving)

            F.  Proposed Budget:

                        1.  Quick Share Evangelism and Follow-up training: $400

                        2.  Church Administration Training: $300

                        3.  Church Leadership Training: $300

                        4.  Missions (Trips to the Philippines): Pending Requests


IV.  Other Business

V.  Acceptance of the above report, lines of effort, budget, and other business

*Call the Meeting to Adjourn:  __________


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