10-09-2022 Filam Sunday Worship Service


Highlights today: 
Today is the restart of our small groups ministry.
Today the deacons will meet after the service.  

Thank you to all our Sunday School Teachers:
Marlon Gante (Men's); 
Sally Flores (Women)
Youth (Robbie Tangi Jr., ) 
Older Children (Gina Maban and Donna Roldan)
Younger Children (Jean Pascual)


Children's Church:  Kat de la Cruz and Tina Abagon
  1. Welcome (visitors cards);   Announcements - Marlon G. 
  2. Welcome Song: This is the Day
  3. Call To Worship: JR Gante:  Hebrews 13:5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.  6 So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?7 Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith 8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
  4. Song # 1: 10,000 Reasons
  5. Song # 2: What A Beautiful Name It is 
  6. Offertory: Ushers:  Men of the church 
  7. Special Music:  Abagon Family
  8. Benevolent Offering:   Eleanor Calilao's mother passed away last month.  Eleanor went home to the Philippines to bury her mother.  Please be in prayer for her and her family.    
  9. Children's Church Dismiss
  10. Sermon:  The Will and Work of God, John 4:31-38
  11. Small Groups:  
  12. Closing Song  and Prayer #4:   Reckless Love 


  1. Follow us on today's program.  Scan the QR Code above.
  2. The Deacons and their wives will have a meeting after the service and when everything is closed Around, 3:30pm or earlier.   
  3. Small Groups Training.   Messenger Call.   Tomorrow, Monday,  Oct 10.  6:30pm. 
  4. Offertory Special Music list.  See below.  
  5. NEXT SUNDAY:  Volunteers Appreciation Sunday.  If you would like to extend an appreciation to your ministry leaders, buy them a starbucks gift card etc..., bring them next week during our service.       
  6. Annual Meetings: We need more delegates.  Please see Marlon if you are available.   
    • Oahu Baptist Network Annual Meeting, Oct. 27, 6pm. 
    • HPBC Annual Meeting, Nov. 3-4.      
  7.  FilAm Children invites you to Bubble Run on Oct 29. See Tina for more information. https://bubblerun.com/locations/honolulu/

Do not announce - for official use only

Thank you to those who serve
Welcome and Lei Ushers: (Women's Ministry)
Collection of Offering: (Men's Ministry)
Praise Team:  (Music and Youth Ministry)
Special Music: (Families) 

Volunteer Appreciation Sunday:  
  • Men’s Ministry; 
  • Women’s WMU Ministry; 
  • Young Adult and Youth Ministry; 
  • Children’s Church Ministry; 
  • Sunday School Ministry; 
  • Praise and Worship Ministry; 
  • Social Ministry; 
  • Small Group Ministry; 
  • Stewardship Ministry; 
  • Filam HR - Personnel Ministry; 
  • Board of Trustees; Deacons; 
  • Ad-Hoc Committees: 24th Anniversary Committee


SPECIAL Music Calendar: 

  1. Abagon, Bong
  2. Barraca, Gina
  3. Beltran, Randy
  4. Duro, Mark
  5. Flores, Sally
  6. Gante, Marlon
  7. Gante, JR
  8. Hall, Marion
  9. Mindo, Robert
  10. Ng, Analyn
  11. Nocasa, Jay
  12. Pacupac, Robert
  13. Pascual, Jean


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