November 03 2024 - First Sunday of the Month Lord's Supper

       Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church

Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church
94-293 Anania Dr, Mililani, HI 96789
(Mililani Baptist Church)
Sunday School, 11:30am at the lanai
Sunday Service,  1pm at the sanctuary


Who's My Volunteer?


Welcome and Announcements
Marlon Gante

Opening Prayer
Page Ayalde

Worship Praise Songs
Great are You Lord
Graves into Gardens

Lord's Supper
Thank you Jesus for the Blood

Offertory Prayer
Jay Nocasa

Offertory Ushers 
Loui Dela Cruz
JR Gante

Offertory Special Music

Ptr. Bong Abagon

Closing Song and Prayer
Reprise - Great are You Lord

Sunday Announcements
If you want to follow these announcements, scan the QR Code or save this link 

Hallelujah Blast FBC of Wahiawa
We give thanks to all who volunteered to our Hallelujah Blast last Thursday at First Baptist Church Of Wahiawa. We also give thanks to all who attended and prayed for the event. We are blessed to have such a wonderful community.

WMU - Celebration
We praise God for the WMU fellowship yesterday and Luisa for hosting. 
Praise God also for the men's coffee hour.

HPBC Annual Meeting - Thu & Fri, Nov 7 & 8, 6pm at HBA

Prepare your camping gear for our Veterans Day Camp
Kaiaka Bay Beach Park - Haleiwa
Nov 08 - Nov 10

Thanksgiving FSBFP Inter-Church
MFABC will host
November 24, 1pm; See Marlon for details

Weekly Schedule 
Small Groups.  Please see Joanne if you do not belong to any small group.  

Please contact Gina for more information.

Youth Night / Young Adult - During Camp

Men's Coffee Hour
Saturday 6:00PM - During Camp

We encourage everyone to participate in a small group or Bible study, as it allows us to be filled with God's Word and enjoy meaningful fellowship with one another throughout the week.


SPECIAL MUSIC for the following Sundays. Please meet with Pastor Bong so we can practice you.   
  1. Pascual, Jean
  2. Ponce, Rose
  3. Zamudio, Dana
  4. Abagon, Bong
  5. Ayalde, Page and Jamby
  6. Beltran, Randy,

November  Birthdays and Anniversaries
Nov 8 - Anjali Velasco
Nov 8 - Anniv: Jay Nocasa & Joanne Nocasa 
Nov 10 - Amy Pacupac
Nov 12 - Anniv:  Jr and Luisa Gante
Nov 12 - Miko Abagon 
Nov 12 - Anniv: Robert & Amy Pacupac
Nov 15 - Marlon Gante
Nov 18 - Jennifer Gonzaga
Nov 21 - Pastor Ben Carino
Nov 24 - Eldon Andrade
Nov 30 - Gabriel Roldan 

May the Lord continue to make you a blessing to others

Do not announce - for official use only

SPECIAL Music Calendar: 

  1. Abagon, Bong
  2. Ayalde, Page and Jamby
  3. Barraca, Gina
  4. Beltran, Randy,
  5. Carino, Ben 
  6. Calilao, Eleanor 
  7. Duro, Mark
  8. Dela Cruz, Louie
  9. Flores, Sally
  10. Fong, Bathie
  11. Gante, JR
  12. Gante, Marlon
  13. Inong, Carnacion 
  14. Josie Siliga
  15. Kerezsi, Violy
  16. Hall, Marion 
  17. Kim, Rica 
  18. Mindo, Rosanna
  19. Murallos, Eva
  20. Nocasa, Jay
  21. Pacupac, Amy and Robert
  22. Pascual, Jean
  23. Tangi Jr., Robert Mamaril (Robbie)
1st sunday -Marlon
2nd Sunday - JR
3rd Snday - Jay
4th Sunday - Randy
5th Sunday - Open 

Who is in charge of 2nd Sunday of Worship Services.  
July, Dec - Men (JR Gante) 
March , Aug - Women (Sally)
Apri, Sept,  - Sunday School (Jo Beltran)
Jan, April, Oct - Youth (Micah Abagon)
June, Nov - Children (Kat and Tina)
Regular (Deacons) 

Who Leads Worship Music:
1st Sunday - Velasco
2nd Sunday - Page / Youth
3rd Sunday - Micah / Youth 
4th Sunday - Jay / Youth 
5th Sunday - Children 


Thank you to those who serve
Welcome and Lei Ushers: (Women's Ministry)
Children's Church (Children's Ministry)
Collection of Offerings: (Men's Ministry)
Praise Team:  (Music and Youth Ministry)
Special Music: (Families) 



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