05-07-2023 Sunday Worship with Pastor Sam Evangelista
Mililani Filam Baptist
meets at
94-293 Anania Dr, Mililani, HI 96789
(Mililani Baptist Church)
Sunday School, 11:30am at the lanai
Sunday Service, 1pm at the sanctuary
Welcome & Announcements: Pastor Bong
This Is The Day
Opening Prayer - Marlon Gante
Worship Leader: Jackie Velasco
Offertory Prayer: Vic Gante
Song # 3 - Make Room
Closing Prayer
Sermon PPT
Sunday Announcements
If you want to follow these announcements, scan the QR Code or save this link FilAmSunday.Blogspot.com

TONIGHT: Let's show our support to our local churches.
Installation Service for Pastor Alvin Keamo
Read Your Bible Every Day
Join the daily bible reading this week. Here's a fun fact. Did you know why the emblem for medicine is a snake on a pole? It's because in the book of Numbers, when the children of Israel needed healing from snake bites, God told Moses to raise a brazen serpent on a pole. Whoever looks at that pole will be healed. Read with us this week. Go to filambiblereading.blogspot.com or scan the qr code
POTLUCK: We thank Group # 1 for the potluck at the back.
Next Week, May 14
Invite mothers to church
Next Week, May 14
Invite mothers to church
Happy May Birthdays and Anniversaries
3 - BDAY: Julie Catlin
5 - bday: Michak Abagon
6 - bday: Lolita Carino
9 - bday: Editho Barraca
15 - bday: Jayden Sumaoang
16- Bday: Robert Tanji
24 - bday: Louie Dela Cruz
31 - Bday: Keannalei Barraca
31 - bday: Mario Gonzaga
May the Lord continue to make you a blessing to others
Do not announce - for official use only
SPECIAL Music Calendar:
Abagon, BongBarraca, GinaBeltran, Randy,Carino, BenDuro, MarkFlores, SallyDela Cruz, LouieGante, JRGante, MarlonJosie SiligaHall, MarionNg, AnalynMindo, RosannaMurallos, EvaNocasa, JayInong, CarnacionPacupac, Amy and RobertVioly Kereszi- Pascual, Jean
- Tangi Jr., Robert Mamaril (Robbie)
- Calilao Eleanor
Who is in charge of 2nd Sunday of Worship Services.
July, Dec - Men (JR Gante)
March , Aug - Women (Sally)
Apri, Sept, - Sunday School (Jo Beltran)
Jan, April, Oct - Youth (Micah Abagon)
June, Nov - Children (Kat and Tina)
Regular (Deacons)
Who Leads Worship Music:
1st Sunday - Velasco
2nd Sunday - Velasco
3rd Sunday - Micah
4th Sunday - Youth
5th Sunday - Children
Thank you to those who serve
Welcome and Lei Ushers: (Women's Ministry)
Children's Church (Children's Ministry)
Children's Church (Children's Ministry)
Collection of Offerings: (Men's Ministry)
Praise Team: (Music and Youth Ministry)
Special Music: (Families)
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