04-30-2023 Worship Order

 Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church

meets at 
94-293 Anania Dr, Mililani, HI 96789
(Mililani Baptist Church)
Sunday School, 11:30am at the lanai
Sunday Service,  1pm at the sanctuary


Welcome - Marlon Gante
This Is The Day
Opening Prayer - Jay Nocasa

Worship Leader: Micah and the Youth 
Song # 1: _____________________
Song # 2: _____________________

Offertory Prayer:  

Scripture Reading:  JR Gante
John 21: 1-14
Message - Pastor Bong
When God Calls You 

Altar Call  and Closing Song: 
Closing Prayer

Sunday Announcements
If you want to follow these announcements, scan the QR Code or save this link FilAmSunday.Blogspot.com

Mahalo to the Women's Filam fellowship (WMU)

Baptist Men Training TONIGHT, 5pm Dinner
First Southern Baptist Church of Pearl Harbor
Men will bring rice for tonight

Youth Night
Fri, May 5 will be at FBC of Wahiawa

Special Guest Speaker
Next Sunday, May 7, 2023
Pastor Sam Evangelista, Founding Pastor of Mililani Fil-Am BC
He is here for a funeral.  Please coordinate with Jean if you can assist anyway while he is here.  

Installation Services for Pastor Alvin Keamo
Sun, May 7 6-8pm
First Southern Baptist Church of Pearl Harbor
RSVP at http://www.fsbcph.com/

WMU Women's Inter-church Annual Meeting
Sat, May 6, 9am - 3pm
Mililani Baptist Church

Read Your Bible Every Day   
Join a Small Groups

We thank Group # ___ for the potluck at the back.


Happy April Birthdays
1 - Javean Velasco
1 - Angel Barraca
7- Eva Murallos
7 - Anniv:  Marlon and Luz Gante
10 - Pastor Bong
11 - Julius Gante
14 - Xander Nocasa
21 - Jean Pascual 

May the Lord continue to make you a blessing to others


Do not announce - for official use only

SPECIAL Music Calendar: 

  1. Abagon, Bong
  2. Barraca, Gina
  3. Beltran, Randy,
  4. Carino, Ben 
  5. Duro, Mark
  6. Flores, Sally
  7. Dela Cruz, Louie
  8. Gante, JR
  9. Gante, Marlon
  10. Josie Siliga
  11. Hall, Marion
  12. Ng, Analyn
  13. Mindo, Rosanna
  14. Murallos, Eva
  15. Nocasa, Jay
  16. Inong, Carnacion 
  17. Pacupac, Amy and Robert
  18. Violy Kereszi
  19. Pascual, Jean
  20. Tangi Jr., Robert Mamaril (Robbie)
  21. Calilao Eleanor

Who is in charge of 2nd Sunday of Worship Services.  

July, Dec - Men (JR Gante) 
March , Aug - Women (Sally)
Apri, Sept,  - Sunday School (Jo Beltran)
Jan, April, Oct - Youth (Micah Abagon)
June, Nov - Children (Kat and Tina)
Regular (Deacons) 

Who Leads Worship Music:
1st Sunday - Velasco
2nd Sunday - Velasco
3rd Sunday - Micah 
4th Sunday - Youth
5th Sunday - Children 


Thank you to those who serve
Welcome and Lei Ushers: (Women's Ministry)
Children's Church (Children's Ministry)
Collection of Offerings: (Men's Ministry)
Praise Team:  (Music and Youth Ministry)
Special Music: (Families) 



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