04-09-2023 Easter Sunday

Milani Fil-Am Baptist Church
Inter-church Easter Celebration
Filipino Southern Baptist Fellowship of the Pacific
Sunday School, 11:30am
Worship Service, 1:00 pm 

Hawaii Christian Baptist Church
Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church
Mililani Baptist Church
Waipahu Community Christian Church
Word of Truth

Interchurch Praise Band
Interchurch Choir
Interactive Sermon with Pastor Daniel Capinpin

Welcome To Mililani  Fil-Am 
Marlon Gante, (MFABC)

Opening Remarks and Welcome To All Churches 
Jun Tubana,  FSBFP President (HCBC)

Opening Prayer 
Pastor Rudy Gomintong (HCBC)

Praise Songs

Scripture Reading
Jun Prudencio (WCCC)
1 Peter 1:1-8

Choir Ensemble
10,000 Reasons

Offertory Scripture (WOT)
Juan Halunahan
Malachi 3:7-11

Offertory Prayer 
Vic Gante (MFABC)

Choir Ensemble
Glorious Day
They Could Not
Solo: Rossanna Mindo

Testimony  by
Pastor Daniel Capinpin (WOT)

Altar Call
What He's Done - G Capo 3

Closing Remarks & Closing Song
Pastor Bong Abagon (MFABC)
Great Things (Reprise)

Closing Prayer 
Pastor Glen Basuel (WCCC)



WMU Annual Meeting 
Sat, May 6,  9am - 3pm
Lunch Provided 
Milani Baptist Church 

OBN Baptist Men's Training
Sun  April 

HCBC Anniversary 
Sun, June 4, 2:30pm
at Lanakila Baptist Church 

VBS Interchurch
July 24-29
Waipahu Community Christian Church 

Fill this with announcement with Churches

Scan here to go to todays bulletin


1:00 - 1:02  (2min) Welcome To Mililani  Fil-Am 
1:02  - 1:04 (2 min) Opening Remarks and Welcome To All Churches 
1:04 - 1:06 - (2 min) Opening Prayer 
1:06 - 1:20 - (14min) Praise Songs
1:20 - 1:22 - (2 mins) Scripture Reading
1:22 - 1:32 - (10 mins) Choir Ensemble 
1:32 - 1:34 - (2 mins) Offertory Scripture (WOT)
1:34 - 1:36 - (2 mins) Offertory Prayer 
1:36 - 1:41 - (5 mins) Water Baptism
1:41 - 1:56 - (15 mins) Choir Ensemble
1:56 - 2:16 - (20 mins) Message by
2:16 - 2:21 - (5 mins) Altar Call
2:21 - 2:28 - (7 mins) Closing Remarks & Closing Song
2:28 - 2:30 - (2 mins) Closing Prayer 


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