12--05-2022 Worship Service


Thank you to all our Sunday School Teachers:
JR Gante and Pastor Bong (Men's and Youth); 
Tess Gante and Sally Flores (Women)
Gina Maban and Donna Roldan (Children)


Children's Church:  Kat de la Cruz and Tina Abagon
Welcome (visitors cards);   Announcements - Marlon Gante  
  1. Welcome Song: This is the Day
  2. Call To Worship and Prayer: JR Gante
    Isaiah 9:6-7,   For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over His kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.

  3. Opening Prayer:  Vic Gante
    Prayer Requests:   (1) honorable worship service and Prayer of thanksgiving (2) sick:  (3) traveling mercies (4) salvation of people  (5) spiritual growth of everyone.   

  4. Song # 1: Go Tell On The Mountain
  5. Lord's Supper
  6. Song # 2:  Make Room 

  7. Offertory: Ushers:  Men of the church 
  8. Special Music:  INterchurch choir - My Tribute 
  9. Children's Church Dismiss

  10. Sermon: Pastor Bong:  Miss Christ in Christmas
  11. Closing Song  and Prayer #4: Worthy of It All 


  1. Follow us on today's program.  Scan the QR Code above.
  2. Mahalo to those who helped cleaned the parsonage
  3. Mahalo to al who participated at the FSBFP Thanksgiving Service
  4. Mahalo to all the deacons and wives who came for the deacon training
  5. Mahalo to the ladies who did their Christmas Program Yesterday. 
  6. Mahalo to all who participated in the Christmas parade over the weekend.    
  7. MONDAY, Choir Practice at 6pm, here at the church.  Choir Concert on 12/16 and 17.         
  8. Church Workday this Saturday.  8am.  Calling all men.  
  9. Church Business Meeting Today, Sun, December 4 after the service. 
  10. Christmas Schedule:  
    --Dec 16 and 17, Christmas Concert at MBC
    --Dec 18, FSBFP Christmas Service
    --Dec 25, Church Christmas Program
  • Dec 5 - Elda Duro
  • Anniv: Dec 15 - Kat and Louie Dela Cruz
  • Anniv: Dec 20 - PBong and  Tina


Do not announce - for official use only

Future Calendar:
  1. Eve of Thanksgiving Service, Wed Nov 23, t6pm
  2. Thanksgiving Day, Nov 24
  3. Thanksgiving FSBFP, at WOT,  Nov.27, 30pm and FSBFP THANKSGIVING CHOIR
  4. Christmas Concert, Dec 16-17
  6. Christmas Eve, Dec 24 Candlelight Service
  7. Christmas Day Program, Dec 25, 

SPECIAL Music Calendar: 

  1. Abagon, Bong
  2. Barraca, Gina
  3. Beltran, Randy,
  4. Carino, Ben 
  5. Duro, Mark
  6. Flores, Sally
  7. Dela Cruz, Louie
  8. Gante, Marlon
  9. Gante, JR
  10. Hall, Marion
  11. Mindo, Robert
  12. Ng, Analyn
  13. Nocasa, Jay
  14. Pacupac, Robert
  15. Pascual, Jea
  16. Tangi Jr., Robert Mamaril (Robbie)
  17. Calilao Eleanor

Thank you to those who serve
Welcome and Lei Ushers: (Women's Ministry)
Children's Church (Children's Ministry)
Collection of Offerings: (Men's Ministry)
Praise Team:  (Music and Youth Ministry)
Special Music: (Families) 



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