11/06/2022 - Missions Emphasis Program


Veterans Day
Missions Emphasis
Lord's Supper
Welcome BAck Missionaries


Thank you to all our Sunday School Teachers:
JR Gante and Pastor Bong (Men's and Youth); 
Robbie Tanji Jr., (Youth)
Sally Flores (Women)
Older Children (Gina Maban and Donna Roldan)


Children's Church:  Kat de la Cruz and Tina Abagon
  1. Welcome (visitors cards);   Announcements - Marlon Gante  
  2. Welcome Song: This is the Day
  3. Call To Worship and Prayer: JR Gante

    Please explain to the congregation what is mission emphasis?  Today is mission emphasis day in our church.  We focus on celebrating what God is doing in the mission projects of Mililani Fil-Am  Baptist Church.  Our hope also is that you would be inspired to reach out to the people around you and continue to pray for our supported mission work. 
    For our call to worship, I will read from Romans 10:13-15,  13, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.  14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

    May the Lord add blessings upon the reading of His words.  Let us pray.  (Kuya JR, Please pray for the missionaries.  Please pray for honoring worship to the Lord.)  

  4. Song # 1: ONE WAY
  5. Lord's Supper 
  6. Song # 2: HOLY FOREVER
  7. Mission Emphasis:  
    1. Video Slide show.  The Philippines has 111 million people.   
    2. Mission Outreach Leader:  
    3. Interview of Mission Outpost. 
      1. How are you?  
      2. What are some of the praises you had this year?  
      3. How can we better pray for all:   of you?  
    4. Group Prayer:  Go to the color of your group and pray for your missionary.  
  8. Offertory: Ushers:  Men of the church 
  9. Special Music:  Duro Ohana  (see schedule below) 
  10. Veterans Day Celebration:   Pray for the Veterans of the armed forces and those killed in the country's war.   
  11. Introduction of Speaker:  Marlon Gante.  Fil-Am got introduced to our speaker a few years ago when Himeji Baptist Church of Japan was introduced as a new member of our convention.   Johan 
  12. Children's Church Dismiss
  13. Sermon: Johan and Haruko Strydom,  Himeji Baptist Church Japan  
  14. Closing Song  and Prayer #3:   MAKE ROOM


  1. Follow us on today's program.  Scan the QR Code above.   
  2. WELCOME HOME MISSIONARIES:  Vic, Tess, Grace, Joshua, Jennifer, and Vincent.  The picture was taken during their visit to our mission outpost: CBS (Center of Biblical Studies) at Antipolo Rizal.  Missionaries, could you all stand up so we can welcome you home.  
  3. THANK YOU TO all who participated in the Trunk and Treat Outreach last Monday (Picture)
  4. THANK YOU TO all who participated at the HPBC Annual Meeting.  We will have a business meeting on December 4, to discuss the outcomes of our interaction with OBN and HPBC (Picture).  
  5. MONDAY, Choir Practice at 6pm, here at the church.
  6. CHRISTMAS BOXES.  Please see Rossanna if you want to give a gift to a child somewhere in the world.  This ministry is through Samaritan's Purse
  7. MARK YOUR CALENDAR:  Joint Worship with our mother church on Thanksgiving Eve, Nov. 23, 6pm.  Potluck, please coordinate with __________________ .  
  8. MARK YOUR CALENDAR:   FSBFP Inter-church celebrations.  
    1. FSBFP Thanksgiving is on November 27
    2. FSBFP Christmas is on December 18


Nov 8 - Jay Nocasa
Nov 12 - Anniv:  Jr and Luisa Gante
Nov 12 - Miko Abagon 
Nov 15 - Marlon Gante
Nov 18 - Jennifer Gonzaga
Nov 21 - Pastor Ben Carino
Nov 24 - Eldon Andrade

Do not announce - for official use only

Emphasis: Mission Celebration
Task:  Celebrate the local and international mission outreaches of Mililani Filam Baptist Church:  
    1. Sta. Barbara Christian Fellowship, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
    2. Ita Bible Believing Church, Iloilo, Philippines
    3. Center of Biblical Studies, Rizal, Philippines
  2. Mission Events and Activities of Filam
    1. VBS - June 2022
    2. Philippine Mission Trip - August 2022
    3. Trunk or Treat 2022 
    4. Bubble Run 2022
    5. For December:  Christmas Parades, FilCom Center, Mililani Town Center

Future Calendar:
  1. HPBC Annual Meeting, Nov3-4
  2. Filam's Mission's Emphasis Local and International, Nov 6
  3. Long Weekend Veterans Day Camp, Nov 10-11
  4. Thanksgiving Day, Nov 24
  5. Thanksgiving FSBFP, at WOT,  Nov.27, 30pm and FSBFP THANKSGIVING CHOIR
  6. Christmas Concert, Dec 18-19
  7. Christmas, Dec 24 Candlelight Service

SPECIAL Music Calendar: 

  1. Abagon, Bong
  2. Barraca, Gina
  3. Beltran, Randy,
  4. Carino, Ben 
  5. Duro, Mark
  6. Flores, Sally
  7. Gante, Marlon
  8. Gante, JR
  9. Hall, Marion
  10. Mindo, Robert
  11. Ng, Analyn
  12. Nocasa, Jay
  13. Pacupac, Robert
  14. Pascual, Jea
  15. Tangi Jr., Robert Mamaril (Robbie)
  16. Calilao Eleanor

Thank you to those who serve
Welcome and Lei Ushers: (Women's Ministry)
Children's Church (Children's Ministry)
Collection of Offerings: (Men's Ministry)
Praise Team:  (Music and Youth Ministry)
Special Music: (Families) 



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