07-17-2022 The Divinity and Atonement

 Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church

Order of Program 
for July 10, 2022; 1pm

Speaker: Pastor Bong Abagon 
Topic: Divinity and Atonement 
Text:  John 1:1-4;14
Sermon Notes:  Click Here


  1. Marlon Gante- Welcome and Announcements:  Please welcome all new guests and returning guests.  
  2. Praise Team: This is the Day:  Welcome Each One 
  3. JR Gante:  Call To Worship and Prayer  - Psalm 136:1-3
  4. Song 1:  ________________________
  5. Song 2: _______________________
  6. Pastor Jim:  Sermon ___________________________________
  7. Offertory prayer and offering: 7/10 - Group 1:  JR, Vic, Robbie T and Danny 
  8. 5 mins - 3rd Song: _______________________
  9. 2 mins - Closing Prayer - Pastor Bong Abagon 

  1. If you want to follow our program today.  Scan the QR code in your sermon notes.  That will send you to the program I am reading from.  

  2. Covid reminder:  (1) If you feel sick, please stay home and join us via FB live.   (2) take your temperatures at the door, and sanitize your hand frequently.   Wearing a mask is voluntary.  
  3. Welcome to those watching us at FB Live.  Send as a heart or a like.  
  4. Membership Update.  In coordination with the Anniversary Team, we will be printing our annual church directory.  See Jo Beltran for more details.  
    1. Church Anniversary date: September 25, 2022.
  5. Mission Philippines August 15-22 2022, Update.  
    • Several people have already booked their flights to join Mission Philippines.  Continue to donate to purchase a school bag and school supplies
  6. Inter-church VBS is on July 25-30.  Let's register everyone for VBS  at vbs2022.blogspot.com.  Let's call Joanne for more announcements.   
  7. Tithing Envelopes are at the back. Let's call Jen or Elda.   
  8. Attend small groups this week:  
Happy June Birthdays and Anniversaries 
  • July 3 - AJ Velasco 
  • July 20 -  Vic Gante
  • July 26 - Sally Flores


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