05-29-2022 Worship Service: The Parable of the Talents

  Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church

Order of Program 
for May 29, 2022; 1pm

Topic:  The Parable of the Talents 
Text:  Matthew 25:14-30
Sermon Notes:  


  1. Randy - Welcome and Announcements:  Randy Beltran, please welcome all new guests and returning guests.  
  2. This is the Day:  Welcome Each One 
  3. Call To Worship and Prayer  - JR Gante-  psalm `111:1-5
  4. Song 1:  Glorious Day
  5. Song 2: Great are your Lord 
  6. 25 mins -Pastor Bong Abagon, The Beautiful Church: The Parable of the Talents  
  7. Offertory prayer:  Pastor Ben Carino   Offertory Plate:  Pastor Ben Carino, Danny Catlin, Robbie Tanj
  8. 5 mins - 3rd Song:  The Stand 
  9. 2 mins - Closing Prayer - Pastor Bong Abagon 

  1. Covid reminder:  (1) If you feel sick, please stay home and join us via FB live.   (2) take your temperatures at the door, and sanitize your hand frequently.   Wearing a mask is voluntary.  
  2. Report from the moderator:  Last week's business meeting did not meet quorum.  So we discussed a few things: Finance, Membership, Social Ministry, Missions and Sunday School.  For more information please see the following:  
    • For social ministry, see Julie, Luz and Luisa.  
    • Missions update, see Pastor Bong, Marlon and Tess. 
    •  For Sunday School and VBS updates, see Joanne and Jo.  
  1. Mission Philippines August 2022. Pray and Prepare.  
  2. Inter-church VBS is on July 18-23.  Please coordinate with Joanne and Jo for volunteers and student registration.   
  3. Tithing Envelopes are at the back. Let's call Jen or Elda to tell us more about these envelopes.  
  4. Small-Group for Wednesday Bible Study is training, bible study, and membership class.  Join us via messenger.     
  5. Small groups meet this week.  
  6. Today is potluck and join us after the service. 
Happy May Birthdays and Anniversaries 

3 - BDAY: Julie Catlin

5 - bday: Michak Abagon

6 - bday: Lolita Carino

9 - bday: Editho Barraca

15 - bday: Jayden Sumaoang

16- Bday: Robert Tanji

24 - bday: Louie Dela Cruz

31 - Bday: Keannalei Barraca 

31 - bday: Mario Gonzaga


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