03-06-2022 With Dr. Tony Woods

  Mililani Fil-Am Baptist Church
Order of Program 
for March 6, 2022; 1pm

Topic:  Let' Cross Over 
Text:  Mark 4:35-41
Sermon Notes:  


  1. Silent Meditation - Tony Velasco
  2. Call To Worship - Matthew 4:35-41
    "This is the Day" 
  3. Song 1: - How Great Is our God / King of My Heart 
    Lord's Supper  - Pastor Bong Abagon, Assisted by:  Jay Nocasa and JR Gante 
  4. Song 2: - O Praise The Name 
  5. 25 mins - Sermon by Dr. Tony Woods entitled "Let's Cross Over"
  6. Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.  The website is https://www.anniearmstrong.com/week-of-prayer/   This week we will dedicate our time to be praying for missionaries all over North America.   (Play Video.   After Video Play).     

  1. Offertory / Decision Cards / Connection Cards. 
    Offertory prayer:  Tony Velasco 
    Offertory Team: Louie and Jeff
  2. Announcements by Tony Velasco 
  3. 5 mins - 3rd Song:  Reprise:  How Great is our God with change key
  4. 2 mins - Closing Prayer - Pastor Bong Abagon 

  1. Covid Reminders:   Wear your mask, 6 feet apart from other than your household
  2. Mahalo Filam for supporting and contributing to the 10th Anniversary and Semester Celebration of the Oahu Bible Institute.    
  1. HIM Conference. Learn more about God, Christian growth, and the Bible. Go to himonline.org to register.    
MARCH 24-26, 20222

  1. Annie Armstrong Easter Offering Prayer Emphasis - don't forget to check your Messenger Filam 2022 for reminders that will come daily.  
  2. Spring Break Events for the youth.  March 14-18.  More news to come.  

  4. FSBFP Inter-Church.  We will be hosting the next Filipino Inter-churches Easter celebration on April 17.   
  5. Joint Easter Choir with Mililani Baptist Church.  Calling all choir singers as we get ready to do a Joint Easter Choir with Mililani Baptist Church.  Songbooks and rehearsal recording available soon.  

  6. Barbara Okada's memorial service is on March 19, 10am here at the church.   Barbara was a choir member who sang many times with us and she is known with her small camera taking pictures of everyone.  A choir is being assembled.  
  7. Part Time Tech Person.   Mililani Baptist Church is looking for part time tech person.  10-15 hours a week, $500.00 a month.   Please see any of us if you are interested.  You must be old enough to work.  
  8. Our Regular schedule this week: 
    • Sunday School, 11:30am, at the Lanai
    • Sunday fellowship groups after church, 2:15pm. 
    • Wednesday Bible Study Resumes, 7pm
    • Friday Youth Night at Kipapa Park, 6pm.
    • Friday Men's Small Group (Via Messenger/Kipapa Park, 8:30pm)
  9. Thank you:  Grab and Go Today! Thank You Carnacion and _______________

Happy March Birthdays and Anniversaries 
2 - Bday:  Ruth Hinojosa
6 - Bday:  Carnacion Inong Today!!!
11 - Anniversary:  Vic and Tess Gante
16 - Bday:  Luz Gante
25 - Beday:  Rossanna Mindo
27 - Bday: Matthew Gante
30 - Anniv:  Eleanor and Fancisco 


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