09/11/2021 Worship Order Program


Topic: When You Need Someone to Show you the way
The Story of King Saul and Jonathan
Text: 1 Samuel 24:1-10; 19-25 Usher: JR, Vic, Danny

Usher for the day is group 1:  

  1. 2mins - Welcome and Announcements by Robert Mindo   
  2. 8 mins - 1st Song - I am a Friend of God (D)
  3. 3 mins - Opening Prayer; Prayer Request  
    1. Our country:  9/11 - We will not forget; Covid response
    2. Melda Richards family in arranging funeral services for Nanay Estralla Bautista;  
    3. Pray for healing from cancer: Rommel, Althea's Dad who will have surgery this Tue 09/07, and Pastor Daniel Capinpin of Word of Truth.     
    4. Sick Ones:  Members who are sick and recovering; 
    5. College Students in the mainland:  Courtney, Jessica, Lyric, Matthew and AJ and Joshua.  
    6. Pray for Sta Barbara Christian Fellowship; Pastor Manny and Sister Em, workers and saturday outreaches
    7. Pray for the Philippines and its fight against COVID
  4. 8 mins - 2nd Song - What A Friend We Have In Jesus (D) 
  5. Offertory - Group 3: Randy, Jeff, Pastor Ben 
  6. 4 mins - Scripture Reading:   1 Samuel 24:1-10 and 16-18.  
  7. 25 mins - Sermon:  When You Need Someone To Love On You 
  8. 5 mins - 3rd Song:   Reprise:  Glorious Day/Living He Loved Me (A) 
  9. 2 mins - Closing Prayer - Pastor Bong Abagon 

When You Need Someone To Love On You 
1 Samuel 24:1-10, 16-18

  1. Today is 9/11 memorial weekend.  #wewillneverforget.  We will take a moment of silence but first lets remember what happened that day.  
    1. On the morning of September 11, 2001, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners, intentionally crashing two into the World Trade Center in New York City. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon. The fourth plane crashed in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 victims and the 19 hijackers died in the attacks.  We stand resilient with our nation and we will never forget.  Let us take a moment of silence as we pray for the families left behind, pray for our country for unity, compassion and bravery.   
  2. Vaccine Passport Program for the island of Oahu begins on September 13.  Let's continue to keep everyone safe:  Social Distance, Wear your mask, Check your health and temperature and hand wash or sanitize ESPECIALLY when you are at church.   
  3. Missions Offering:  Please See Stewardship, Jennifer or Rossanna and Tess for WMU for more information.  
  4. WOMEN'S Ministry (WMU) will have a prayer time at the back after the service. 
  5. Mahalo!  to those who took home some of the church's sound equipment.  Please see Randy Beltran for other things that needs to be moved out.  
  6. Thank You to:   Grab and Go ___________________________  .
  7. Future Events
    1. Sept 25 - Nanay Julieta Catingub's Funeral Service, Mother of Ranny Catingub
    2. Sept 26 - Filam 22nd Anniversary Celebration 
      1. For invitations, please see Jennifer Gonzaga. 
    3. Oct 21 - OBN Annual Meeting 
    4. Oct 31 - Interchurch Harvest Outreach with WCCC
    5. Nov 4-5 - HPBC's Annual Meeting 
  8. Happy September Birthdays
    1. September 1 - Kobe Dela Cruz
    2. September 1 - Jayson Gonzaga 
    3. September 5 - Althea Bartolomew
    4. September 16 - Liam Duro


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