09-05-2021 Worship Program


Topic: When You Need Someone to Show you the way
The Story of King Saul and Jonathan
Text: 1 Samuel 14:1-14 Usher: Randy, Jeff, Pastor Ben

Usher for the day is group 3:  

  1. 2mins - Welcome and Announcements by Randy Beltran.  
  2. 3 mins - Opening Prayer 
    1. Praises:  Tina is back safely.  Eldon is healed from sickness.  
    2. Pray for those whose family passed away: Melda Richards family in the passing away of Nanay Esther Bautista;  
    3. Pray for healing from cancer: Rommel, Althea's Dad who will have surgery this Tue 09/07, and Pastor Daniel Capinpin of Word of Truth.     
    4. Work-related:  Pray for Jonaline's (Jay's Sister); safety for Editho, Roger, and Danilo working as a seaman; Micah - Looking for a job. 
    5. Sick ones:  Jamie (Manager of Danny); 
    6. College Students in the mainland:  Courtney, Jessica, Lyric, Matthew and AJ and Joshua.  
  3. 8 mins - 1st Song - God of This City (C)
  4. 15 mins - LORD'S SUPPER
    1. Marlon Read Scripture Verse:  1 Corinthians 11:23-30
    2. Uncle Vic will lead in prayer.
    3. Both Uncle Vic and Marlon will offer the Lord's supper.  
    4. Randy from Group 3 Usher will assist in the middle.
  5. 8 mins - 2nd Song - You Are God Alone (G) / I Exalt Thee (G) / Worthy of It All (G) 
  6. Offertory - Group 3: Randy, Jeff, Pastor Ben 
  7. 4 mins - Scripture Reading:   1 Samuel 19:1-3 & 23:16-18.
  8. 25 mins - Sermon:  When You Need Someone To SHOW You The Truth 
  9. 5 mins - 3rd Song:   Reprise:  God of This City (C)
  10. 2 mins - Closing Prayer - Pastor Bong Abagon 

When You Need Someone To Lead You The Way 

  1. Happy Labor Day Weekend.  Keep yourself safe.  
  2. Vaccine Passport Program for the island of Oahu begins on September 13.  Let's continue to keep everyone safe:  Social Distance, Wear your mask, Check your health and temperature and hand wash or sanitize ESPECIALLY when you are at church.   
  3. Missions Offering:
    • Ayuda Project.  
    • SUE NISHIKAWA LOCAL MISSIONS OFFERING.  The Prayer Guide is now available here.  
  4. Our Sound System Equipment Upstairs STILL NEED A HOME.  Please see Randy if you can help house them temporarily.        
  5. WOMEN'S Ministry will have a prayer time at the back after the service. 
  6. Thank You to:   Grab and Go ___________________________  .
  7. Future Events
    1. Sept 25 - Nanay Julieta Catingub's Funeral Service, Mother of Ranny Catingub
    2. Sept 26 - Filam 22nd Anniversary Celebration 
    3. Oct 21 - OBN Annual Meeting 
    4. Oct 31 - Interchurch Harvest Outreach with WCCC
    5. Nov 4-5 - HPBC's Annual Meeting 

  8. Happy September Birthdays
    1. September 1 - Kobe Dela Cruz
    2. September 1 - Jayson Gonzaga 
    3. September 5 - Althea Bartolomew
    4. September 16 - Liam 


  1. Prayer Guide
  2. Weeklong Emphasis:  
    • Day 1 Information
    • Day 2 Information
    • Day 3 Information
    • Day 4 Information
    • Day 5 Information 


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