07-25-2021 Program Worship Service

 Topic:  The Power of God's Words

Acts 17:1-12
Usher Group 3: 
Randy, Jeff and Pastor Ben

  1. 2mins - Welcome and Announcements:  Marlon Gante   
  2. Song # 1:   Holy Is The Lord, Chris Tomllin
  3. Opening Prayer 5 mins - Prayer - Updated prayer requests:
    1. Pray for healing for Rommel, Althea's Dad, who has stage 4 cancer.   
    2. Pray for Pastor Daniel Capinpin (pastor of Word of Truth), healing from cancer
    3. Cece and Welsch's family are still grieving in the passing away of their loved one.
    4. Work-related:  Pray for Jonaline's (Jay's Sister); safety for Editho, Roger, and Danilo working as a seaman;    
    5. Covid - Kat's sister Leah in the Philippines;  
    6. Vic Gante (Dizziness)
    7. Abagon Parents (Dr. ABagon and Becky, Fever and Flu)
  4. VBS VIDEO:  We Celebrate VBS Results, show this video 

  1. Song # 2:   VBS Destination Dig, 

  2. Offertory - Group 3.  Prayer by __________________________   Randy, Jeff and Pastor Ben
  3. Scripture Reading - :  Acts 17:1-12, _________________________.
  4. 25 mins - Sermon -  Pastor Bong Abagon 
  5. 5 mins - Closing Song - Day 5 Song:  It's True! 

  6. 2 mins - Closing Prayer - Pastor Bong Abagon 

  1. COVID 19 Alert.  Cases went up the past week.   Wear your mask if you are not vaccinated and older and has pre existing condition.  For Vaccination information, see Sally, Luz, Lita, or Tess.   
  2. Officers Meeting after church.  
  3. Sunday School happens every 11:30am.   We want to thank all of our teachers and participants for engaging in the Word of God.  
  4. Sound System Upstairs.  We need to catalogue and RELOCATE our pieces of equipment someplace else.   Please see Randy Beltran for more information if you can help.    
  1. Thank You to:   Grab and Go ___________________________  .
  2. Thank you To VBS Participants and Volunteers
    1. Total Student registered:  104
    2. Total Volunteers 63
    3. Total who Accepted Christ - 41
    4. See all the action at this website:    vbs2021Hi.Blogspot.com
  3. Church Business Meeting, Scheduled on August 1, 2021 after church.  
  4. Men's Work Day with Mililani Baptist Church - August 14, 2nd Saturday.  7am.   
  1. Happy July Birthdays And Anniversaries
    1. July 3 - AJ Velasco
    2. July 20 - Vic Gante
    3. July 26 - Sally Flores


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