07-04-2021 Lord's Supper - Worship Service

Nicodemus:  The Stages of Growth 
Text: John 3, 7, and 21

Usher for the day is group 3:  
Randy, Jeff and Pastor Ben

  1. 2mins - Welcome and Announcements:  Robert Mindo  
  2. Opening Prayer 2 mins - Prayer - Updated prayer requests:
    1. Pray for Pastor Daniel Capinpin, healing from cancer
    2. Pray for Rob and Cece Fox in the passing away of Rob's Dad.   
    3. Pray for the Welch Family in the recent burial service for Mildred's mom.  
  3. 1st Song 
  4. Lords Supper 
  5. 5 mins - 2nd Song -  ________________________
  6. Offertory - Group 3:  Randy, Jeff and Pastor Ben
  7. 25 mins - Sermon -  Nicodemus: The Stages of Growth, John 3, 7 and 21.   
  8. 5 mins - Closing Song - __________________________
  9. 2 mins - Closing Prayer - _________________________
  1. Sunday School happens every 11:30am.   We want to thank all of our teachers and participants for engaging in the Word of God.  
  2. Our youth will take turns to assist in the children's church this summer.  Contact Person is Julie and Tina Abagon.  Here is the schedule:  
    1. July 4 - Althea and Courtney
    2. July 11 - Matthew & Sam  
    3. July 18 - Miko & Althea 
    4. July 25 - Michak & Courtney
  1. Thank You to:   Grab and Go ___________________________
  2. Small Groups Leaders Fellowship and Celebration:  This Tuesday, July 6, 2021, 7pm via messenger.   .   
  3. Inter-church  VBS will be on July 19-23, 5-7pm at WCCC.  Registration Forms are available. VBS is for all of ages - from womb to tomb.   Please raise your hand as we hand out the registration and flyers.   thank you to Mililani Baptist Church who will hand us down their materials.  
    1. We are still looking for volunteers.  We need teachers for Grades 3-4.   
    2. Let's watch the video:  

  4. Disaster Relief - If you are interested to be trained for Disaster Relief, this is a ministry mobilized during natural disasters, please sign up at the back.   Pastor Kaleb from our mother church will hold an orientation.   
  5. First Fundamental Baptist Church of Agudo sends thanks to Mililani FilAm Baptist Church for the recent PPE package.  Thank you to Sheryl and Joshua, to MFABC MIssions for funding the project.  PPE keeps our Filipino brethren safe from COVID.   Let's show the video:   


  1. Happy July Birthdays And Anniversaries
    1. July 3 - AJ Velasco
    2. July 20 - Vic Gante
    3. July 26 - Sally Flores


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