01-03-2021 Worship Details

   Welcome to Fil-Am Baptist Church.   Here you will find the program, songs, sermons, announcements, volunteers, and connection card.   

  1. 1:00-1:05 pm - Welcome and Announcements: - Robert Mindo
  2. 1:05 - 1:12  pm  - Song 
  3. 1:12-1:14 - pm - Opening Prayer - —————    Church prayer request here. 
  4. Lord’s supper 
  5. 1:14 - 1:22 pm - Song 2
  6. 1:45 - 1:50  Collection of Offering.  Ushers # 2:  _________________
    • 1:45 Offertory Prayer - ____________________________
  7. 1:22 - 1:45 pm- (20 mins) Message: Pastor Bong 
  8. 1:50 - 1:52 - Closing Prayer & Benediction, Pastor Bong Abagon      
  9. 1:52 - 1:59 pm - song 3




  1. Happy December everyone.   Welcome to FilAm's Worship Service - where we "worship" and "serve".   We aim to connect people to God and people to people in a "social distancing" manner.   
  2. COVID UPDATE:  We had a change last week that prove that our protocol works.  Thank you for those who have been proactive in protecting the congregation.  Good job! YOu know who you are.   
  3. Welcome to our First Time Guests and Returning Visitors (Please recognize especially returning guests, in-person and online).  
  4. December Newsletter is out.  Please go to filambaptist.blogspot.com for your copy.  
Other Announcements:  
  1. Prayer Request: 
    1. Nellie Dionisio.  Recovery from fall & Covid
    2. Brad Buenconsejo.  Recovery from Covid
  2. Mahalo to: 
    1. Grab and Go. __________________
  3. TODAY:  Christmas Party followed by the service.  There will be talent show, games, and exchange gifts.  
  4. Congratulations to 10 FilAm Members who joined the Christmas Devotion that finished last December 25.   Thank you also Eldon for hosting the devotion.  
  5. Here's something new: Read Thru The Bible starting January 1. This is done with your phone.  Go to our facebook for more details.  
  6. Small groups host meeting, This Tuesday, 12/29, 6pm.
  7. Council Meeting, Monthly, This Tuesday, 12/29, 8:00 pm  
  8. December Birthdays & Anniversaries
      1. Dec 15 - Louie and Kat Dela Cruz
      2. Dec 20 - Pastor Bong and Tina 
    • BDAYS: 
      1. Dec 5 - Elda Duro
      2. Dec 5 - Cristina San Pedro 
      3. Dec 6 - Jesica Hinojosa 
      4. Dec 15 - Anabel Cabebe
        Dec 25 - Virginia Mayormita

Emcee and Announcement: Randy Beltran
Tech: John Mindo, Sam Murallos, Matthew Gante, 
Ushers:  Group # 2:  Jay, Eldon, Louie
Sunday School: Adult:  _______________________;   Youth:  Jen Gonzaga
Grab and Go: ______________________
:Praise Team:  Jay (Lead); Jackie, Tony, Michak, Jaena, Javean, AJ, Sam, Miko, Anjali and Bong. 


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