11-08-2020 Worship Service Program, Songs and Announcement

Welcome to Fil-Am Baptist Church.   Here you will find the program, songs, sermons, announcements, volunteers, and connection card.   

  1. 1:00-1:05 pm - Welcome and Announcements: - Robert Mindo  
  2. 1:05 - 1:12  pm  - Song # 1:  God With Us
  3. 1:12-1:14 - pm - Opening Prayer - Vic Gante. Church prayer request here. 
  4. 1:14 - 1:22 pm - Song # 2:  Enough
  5. 1:22 - 1:24 pm - Offertory Prayer - Danny Catllin 
  6. 1:24  Collection of Offering.  Ushers:   JR, Vic and Danny 
  7. 1:24 - 1:30 Special Music
  8. 1:30  pm Children dismiss - Tina / Julie 
  9. 1:30 - 1:55 pm- (20 mins) Message: Pastor Bong: Developing Healthy Habits that Stick, Ephesians 4:17-24
  10. 1:55 - 1:57 pm -  Closing Prayer & Benediction, Pastor Bong Abagon      
  11. 1:57 - 2:00 pm - Song #3:  Raise A Hallelujah 


God With Us (Mercy Me), YT
Enough (Elias Drummer), YT
Raise A Hallelujah (Bethel), YT


Good Habits That Stick, Ephesians 4:17-26


  1. Happy October everyone.   Welcome to FilAm's Worship Service - where we "worship" and "serve".   We aim to connect people to God and people to people in a "social distancing" manner.   
  2. COVID UPDATE:  Keep up the good work and be alert and protect yourself.   
    1. Remember, The church comes together rejoicingly but we do it responsibly by observing the following....wear your mask all the time, the temperature is taken, 6-foot social distancing, follow the foot traffic,  hand sanitizer and wash your hands.  
  3. Welcome to our First Time Guests and Returning Visitors (Please recognize especially returning guests).  Today, we introduce you to our connection card.  It will be used for first time guests, change of info, response to the sermon, and the prayer request.  (a) Everybody, point your camera to this QR code on the screen.  (2) chose the date today  (3) go to the bottom of the screen and fill out your information.  Let's practice.  

Other Announcements:  
  1. Mahalo to: 
    1. Grab and Go. Juli and Jo. 
    2. Sunday School Youth Leader today, Jennifer Gonzaga. 
  2. WMU Monthly Meeting on Sat, November 21, 10-2pm at Tess Gante's Residence.  
  3. Shoebox ministry.  Help a needy child this Christmas.  If you would like to participate, pick up an empty shoebox at the back, brochure/envelope, and label sticker.   Suggestions on what to put in the box are in the brochure.  If you have any questions, please see Jen Gonzaga.  
  4. Small Groups.  Don't forget to go to FilamSmallGroups.Blogspot.Com to register and be a part of the small group life of the church.   
  5. Oahu Baptist Network - Thursday, November 19, 2020, at Waialae BC.  Preregister attendance.  It will be streamed zoom also.  Visit Filambaptist.blogspot.com.  
  6. FSBFPI Announcements (Call Rossanna or Tina to announce)
    1. Thanksgiving Joint Anniversary, Sunday, Nov 22.  Host: HCBC.  
    2. Christmas Joint Celebration, December 20.  Host: MFAbc
  1. November Birthdays & Anniversaries
    1. ANNIVERSARY:  November 8 - JAY and Joanne Nocasa
    2. ANNIVERSARY:  November 12 - JR and Luisa Gante
    3. Bday: November 5 - Mikayla
    4. Bday: November 9 -  Desiree Catlin - this week
    5. Bday: November 9 - Anjali Velasco - this week
    6. Bday: November 12 - Miko Abagon  - this week 
    7. Bday: November 15 - Marlon Gante
    8. Bday: November 17 - Rachel Mindo
    9. Bday: November 18 - Jennifer Gonzaga
    10. Bday: November 21 - Pastor Ben Carino

Emcee and Announcement: Robert Mindo 
Tech: John Mindo, Matthew Gante, 
Ushers:  Group # 1:   JR, Vic and Danny
Sunday School: Randy, Tess, Marlon, Joanne, Jen Gonzaga
Grab and Go: Julie and Jo
Children:  Tina and Julie
:Praise Team:  Jes, Michak, Jaena, Javean, Miko, Anjali, Bong, Ruth

Use this to register, respond to the sermon, or give feedback and prayer requests.


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