08-30-2020 Program, Announcements and Worship

  1. 1:00 pm - Welcome and Announcements: - Robert Mindo
  2. 1:05 pm  - Song # 1: _________________________________
  3. 1:10 pm Opening Prayer - Vic Gante
  4. 1:15 pm - Song # 2 - 
  5. 1:15 pm Children dismiss - _________________________
  6. 1:15 pm- Message: Pastor Bong -
  7. 1:45 pm - Offertory Reminder: 
  8. 1:50 pm - Special Music:  ________________________
  9. 1:55pm  - Song #3:  ______________________
  10. 2:00 pm -  Closing Prayer & Benediction - Pastor Bong Abagon 

  1. Welcome to FilAm's Worship Service - where we "worship" and "serve".   We aim to connect people to God and people to people in a "social distancing" manner.   
  2. Welcome to our First Time Guests and Returning Visitors (Please recognize specially returning guests)
  3. Evening service at Filam zoom tonight 7pm.  Join us.  
  4. Ukulele for thanksgiving.  Learn ukulele and hour before Wednesday and Friday bible study. Via zoom.  
  5. Balikbayan Mission Box.  Being assembled now to help churches in the Philippines. See Rosanna for details.  
  6. Committee for Church Anniversary willmeet this Tuesday, 7pm.   
  7. COVID UPDATE:  Your trustees and deacons met this week and would like to encourage you to abide BY THE 'ACT NOW, NO SOCIAL GATHERING" Order by the Mayor and Governor. 
    1. REMINDER;  The church is  "spiritual gathering" that is exempted.  Let's take advantage of this to grow our faith and our church in A RESPONSIBLE way.  
    2. Talk to any of us to explain to you more what this order means. 
    3. wear your mask all the time
    4. 6 foot social distancing
    5. follow the foot traffic
    6. hand sanitize and wash your hands
  8. Church Anniversary, September 27, last Sunday of the month.  
  9. Council will meet this Tuesday.  
    1. Agenda # 1:  Church Anniversary
    2. Agenda # 2:  Online small groups. 
    3. Agenda # 3:  Reorganization    
  10. OBI:  Oahu Baptist Institute now opens a "fall Class registration" for classes.  Please note the following classes offered that will start soon.  See Screen   
  11. August Birthdays;  (Do Not read all birthdays, just mention who will have this week marked red letters). 
    1. Belated to Sally Flores - July 26
    2. Aug 5 - Helinne Macaraeg
    3. Aug 10 - Esther Bautista
    4. Aug 12 - Mercy Mariano
    5. Aug 12 - Rian Beltran
    6. Aug 18 - Sarai Roldan
    7. Aug 25 - Luisa Gante
    8. Aug 30 - Maria Alsleben
  12. Happy Anniversary to Tony and Jackie (08/12/2020)  
  13. For updated prayer requests go to filamprayer.blogspot.com.  Here are some prayer highlights:  
    1. Pray for your family and friends that they will know Him (Jesus) and come to church
    2. Pray for Lyric who flew last week to Colorado for school.  Continue to pray for Micah while away.
    3. Pray for a "youth Intern".  This is a paid position that had been approved last February and we pray God will lead us to the right person who will mentor our youth.  
    4. Pray for the rising COVID number and vigilance among our community members to mask-up & stay distant to slow the spread of the virus
    5. Upcoming Election.

While we are distant, God's mandate continues for the church.  We continue to...
    1. Committed to Bible Reading, Prayer, and Bible studies.
      1. Children meet every Tues, Thurs, 1pm
      2. Bible study for all is Wed and Fri, 7pm.  We have been having low attendance on Wednesday and we will assess if we need to cancel.  
      3. Sunday School is at 11:30am.  
    2. Committed to Worship.   Worship and welcome people to be a part of our church life.  Those of you in FB we encourage you to be part of Zoom.  Those in Zoom, we encourage you to be a part of the local church.   
    3. Committed to Serve.  Serve each other.  We encourage and pray for each other through phone calls and video calls; we pick up groceries for those in need.  We serve through the church.
    4. Committed to Evangelize.   Share the gospel and continue baptizing people.   We pray specifically for people that need to get saved and grow in the Lord. 


  1. Abagon, Bong, Tina, Micah, Miko, Michak 
  2. Andrade, Eldon
  3. Andrade, Emma
  4. Bautista, Esther (online) 
  5. Beltran, Randy, Jo, Rian, Lyla, Sonny
  6. Catllin, Danny, Julie
  7. Carino Ben and Lita
  8. Dela Cruz, Louie, Kat, Kobe (online)
  9. Duro, Elda, Liam
  10. Fox, Rob, Cece and Shay
  11. Flores, Sally - Online
  12. Gante, Luisa and Jr
  13. Gante, Marlon, Luz and Matthew
  14. Gante, Vic and Tess
  15. Gonzaga, Jennifer
  16. Hinojosa, Jessica & Ruth
  17. Pascua, Jean
  18. Rone, Gloricel & Lyric 
  19. Roldan, Donna, Jeff, Lourdes, Gab and Sarai
  20. Murallos, Eva, Samantha
  21. Mayormita, Violeta, Jr & Virgina* & Jr
  22. Mindo, Robert, Rossana, Rachel, JR & Makayla
  23. Nocasa, Jay, Joanne
  24. Velasco, Tony & Jackie
  25. Cabebe, Anabelle 
  26. Amado, Jeremy 
  27. Mark and Gabe Eligado*
  28. Glener Sales and Shener* (Shaymar & Princess)
  29. FB online crowd 


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