08-02-2020 Filam Sunday Program

Song 1:  Wonderful Grace of Jesus (Hymn - C) - doc
Song 2: Your Grace Is Enough (A) - pdf
Song 3: Scandal of Grace (G) - doc 
Praise Team: Robert (Guitar & Vocal), Rosanna (Vocal), John Mindo(Bass); Randy Beltran (Keyboard); Jackie (Vocal), AJ Velasco (drums), Jaena Velasco (Ukulele) 
Technicians:  Micah (Producer, Zoom/FB), Miko (Zoom Tech) & Michak Abagon (Audio); Matthew Gante (Powerpoint/Zoom), John Mindo (Camera / Zoom)

  1. 1:00 pm - Welcome and Announcements: - Randy Beltran
  2. 1:05 pm  - Song#1 - Wonderful Grace of Jesus (Hymn - C)
  3. 1:10 pm Opening Prayer - Pastor Bong Abagon 
  4. 1:13 pm - Lord's Supper 
    1. Lord's Scripture - Ben Carino - 1 Cor. 11:23-26
    2. Lord's Supper Prayer - Vic Gante
    3. Lord's Supper Servers: Jay Nocasa and JR Gante
  5. 1:18 pm - Song # 2 - Praise Team.  Your Grace Is Enough (A) 
  6. 1:25 pm Children's Church Dismiss
  7. 1:25 pm- Message: Pastor Bong
  8. 1:55 pm - Offertory:
    1. Reminder & Prayer:  Jennifer Gonzaga
    2. Collectors:  Marlon Gante, Mark Duro  
  9. 1:57 pm - Special Music:  Jackie Velasco 
  10. 2:00 pm  - Song #3:  Praise Team:  Scandal of Grace (G)
  11. 2:10 pm -  Closing Prayer & Benediction: Pastor Bong Abagon 

  1. Thank you for joining us today!  Worship is our way of growing with Jesus.  Service is our way of connecting with others.  Welcome to our "Worship" "Service"
  2. We had a close call last week from Hurricane Douglas but God was gracious to keep away from the storm.  "Douglas"  you will forever be known as the "socially-distant hurricane."   
  3. Welcome to our First Time Guests and Returning Visitors
  4. Regular Monthly Council Meeting, This Tuesday, 6pm.  
  5. Let's continue to grow together...
    1. Sunday School is at 11:30am
    2. Worship Service is at 12:30pm
    3. There will be coffee.  You can volunteer to bring bread
    4. WMU Prayer request and prayer time will happen during this time and during the week.  
    5. Bible Studies this week via Zoom: 
      1. Children Bible STudy, Tue & Thu, 1pm
      2. Bible Study for all, Wed & Fri, 7pm
  6. In response to the COVID Numbers lately and in compliance with CDC requirements, we are lessening our physical time together: 
    1. There will be no potluck lunches after the service
    2. For today, we have a 'GRAB AND GO" sandwich and drink.  Thank you Catlin family for providing them.
    3. Please continue to observe:  
      1. 6-foot distancing - between clusters.   Your family is a cluster.
      2. wear your facemask all the time
      3. hand sanitizers or wash your hands frequently
  7. For updated prayer requests go to filamprayer.blogspot.com.  Here are some prayer highlights:  
    1. Pray for your family and friends that they will know Him (Jesus) and come to church
    2. Nelda Oberes, hospice care; cancer
    3. Cely Pascua, Jean's mom, recovery from fall
    4. Becky Abagon, Pastor Bong's mom, recovery from hip surgery
    5. Dr. Abagon, Pastor Bong's dad, rehab from spine surgery
  8. OBI:  Oahu Baptist Institute now opens a "fall Class registration" for classes: 
    1. Baptist History and Heritage - Waipahu Campus.  This class will study the history of Baptists and their impact on society.  Pastor Bong is the teacher. 
    2. Intermediate New Testament - Kalihi Campus.  Pastor Harlan Nakasone, Teacher. 
    3. And coming soon Mililani Campus.  Be in prayer for Pastor Dennis and Pastor Kaleb as they lead classes as well.  
  9. August Birthdays;  (Do Not read all birthdays, just mention who will have this week marked red letters). 
    1. Belated to Sally Flores - July 26
    2. Aug 5 - Helinne Macaraeg
    3. Aug 8 - Xander Nocasa
    4. Aug 10 - Esther Bautista
    5. Aug 12 - Mercy Mariano
    6. Aug 12 - Rian Beltran
    7. Aug 18 - Sarai Roldan
    8. Aug 25 - Luisa Gante
    9. Aug 30 - Maria Alsleben
  10. Bible Study Schedule this week:  
    1. Children BS.  Tue &Thu, 1pm 
    2. Adult BS.  Fri, 7pm
  11. Future Schedules and Special Music are assigned by Families in these last months of the year. They are in alphabetical order, go to filamsunday.blogspot.com for your schedule

  1. Abagon, Bong, Tina, Micah, Miko, Michak 
  2. Andrade, Eldon
  3. Bautista, Esther
  4. Beltran, Randy, Jo, Rian, Lyla, Sonny
  5. Catllin, Danny, Julie
  6. Carino Ben and lita
  7. Dela Cruz, Louie, Kat, Kobe
  8. Duro, Mark, Elda, Liam
  9. Fox, Rob, Cece and Shay
  10. Flores, Sally
  11. Gante, Luisa and Jr
  12. Gante, Marlon, Luz and Matthew
  13. Gante, Vic and Tess
  14. Gonzaga, Jennifer
  15. Hinojosa, Jessica & Ruth
  16. Pascua, Jean
  17. Rone, Gloricel & Lyric 
  18. Roldan, Donna, Jeff, Lourdes, Gab and Sarai
  19. Murallos, Eva, Samantha
  20. Mayormita, Violeta, Jr & Virgina
  21. Mindo, Robert, Rossana, Rachel, JR & Makayla
  22. Nocasa, Jay, Joanne
  23. Velasco, Tony & Jackie
  24. Cabebe, Anabelle 
  25. Amado, Jeremy 
  26. FB online crowd 


  1. Praise Team
  2. Technicians
  3. Sunday School Teachers
  4. Sunday Program Participants
  5. Ushers and Counters 

Sunday Program Committee - oversee the Sunday worship program of the church
Sunday School & Bible Study Committee - oversee the Sunday school and bible study


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