11-20-2022 Worship Program


Thank you to all our Sunday School Teachers:
JR Gante and Pastor Bong (Men's and Youth); 
Tess Gante and Sally Flores (Women)
Gina Maban and Donna Roldan (Children)


Children's Church:  Kat de la Cruz and Tina Abagon
PPT Link for the Service 
  1. Welcome (visitors cards);   Announcements - Marlon Gante  
  2. Welcome Song: This is the Day
  3. Call To Worship and Prayer: Vic Gante 
    For our call to worship, I will read from Hebrews 13:11-16,  11 The high priest carries the blood of animals into the Most Holy Place as a sin offering, but the bodies are burned outside the camp. 12 And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood. 13 Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore. 14 For here we do not have an enduring city, but we are looking for the city that is to come.15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess his name. 16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

  4. Opening Prayer:  Vic Gante
    Prayer Requests:   (1) honorable worship service and Prayer of thanksgiving (2) sick:  Healing for Violy (3) traveling mercies (4) salvation of people  (5) spiritual growth of everyone.   

  5. Song # 1: Here I Am To Worship
  6. Song # 2: Ocean

  7. Offertory: Ushers:  Men of the church 
  8. Special Music:  Sally Flores (see schedule below) 
  9. Children's Church Dismiss

  10. Sermon: Pastor Bong:  A Testimony of Grace:   
  11. Closing Song  and Prayer #4:   Good Good Father 


  1. Follow us on today's program.  Scan the QR Code above.   
  2. MONDAY, Choir Practice at 6pm, here at the church.  Choir Concert on 12/16 and 17.  
  3. Christmas Boxes due today - Please coordinate with Rossana.  .  
  4. Thanksgiving Eve Joint Worship Service.  Wed, Nov. 23, 6pm.  It is PIE Night but we at Filam need to bring something else.    Social Ministry, please coordinate with Sheri Nishihira, MBC Social Committee Chair.  
  5. Handbell Begins Practice every Saturday, 5pm - 7pm.
  6. Next Sunday,  November 27:  (1) Our Worship Service will begin at 12:15pm - 1:30pm   (2) FSBFP service at Ewa Beach is at 2:30pm, leave Filam at 2pm (3) Deacon Training is at 6pm, leave Ewa Beach at 5pm. 
    --Please help in cleaning the parsonage Mililani Baptist Church to house the speaker for the deacon training.
    --Youth, please help with child care volunteers for November 27.       
  7. FSBFP Thanksgiving is on November 27, 2:30pm.   Inter church choir will practice on Saturday, Nov 26.  The song is my tribute.  Go to fsbfp.blogspot.com for your music. 
  8. Church Business Meeting, Sun, December 4 after the service. 
  9. Christmas Schedule:  
    --Dec 16 and 17, Christmas Concert at MBC
    --Dec 18, FSBFP Christmas Service
    --Dec 25, Church Christmas Program

Nov 8 - Anjali Velasco
Nov 8 - Anniv: Jay Nocasa & Joanne Nocasa 
Nov 10 - Amy Pacupac
Nov 12 - Anniv:  Jr and Luisa Gante
Nov 12 - Miko Abagon 
Nov 12 - Anniv: Robert & Amy Pacupac
Nov 15 - Marlon Gante
Nov 18 - Jennifer Gonzaga
Nov 21 - Pastor Ben Carino
Nov 24 - Eldon Andrade
Nov 30 - Gabbo Roldan 


Do not announce - for official use only

Future Calendar:
  1. Eve of Thanksgiving Service, Wed Nov 23, t6pm
  2. Thanksgiving Day, Nov 24
  3. Thanksgiving FSBFP, at WOT,  Nov.27, 30pm and FSBFP THANKSGIVING CHOIR
  4. Christmas Concert, Dec 16-17
  6. Christmas Eve, Dec 24 Candlelight Service
  7. Christmas Day Program, Dec 25, 

SPECIAL Music Calendar: 

  1. Abagon, Bong
  2. Barraca, Gina
  3. Beltran, Randy,
  4. Carino, Ben 
  5. Duro, Mark
  6. Flores, Sally
  7. Dela Cruz, Louie
  8. Gante, Marlon
  9. Gante, JR
  10. Hall, Marion
  11. Mindo, Robert
  12. Ng, Analyn
  13. Nocasa, Jay
  14. Pacupac, Robert
  15. Pascual, Jea
  16. Tangi Jr., Robert Mamaril (Robbie)
  17. Calilao Eleanor

Thank you to those who serve
Welcome and Lei Ushers: (Women's Ministry)
Children's Church (Children's Ministry)
Collection of Offerings: (Men's Ministry)
Praise Team:  (Music and Youth Ministry)
Special Music: (Families) 



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