08/08/2021. Worship service


Text: ___________________________
Usher for the day is group 2:  

  1. 2mins - Welcome and Announcements:  __________________
  2. Opening Prayer - Pastor Bong Abagon 
    1. .    
  3. 1st Song - I will follow 
  4. Opening Prayer 
    1. Pray for healing from cancer:  Rommel, Althea's Dad and Pastor Daniel Capinpin of Word of Truth.     
    2. Fox and Welsch's family - grieving in the passing away of their loved one.
    3. Work-related:  Pray for Jonaline's (Jay's Sister); safety for Editho, Roger, and Danilo working as a seaman;    
    4. Covid - Kat's sister Leah in the Philippines;  Dr. Abagon and Ate Becky and Pastor Bong's sisters and sisters families all have covid
  5. 2nd Song - Draw Me nearer 
  6. Offertory - Group 2: 
  7. Scripture Reading:   Louie Dela Cruz, Matthew 18:1-6
  8. 25 mins - Sermon
  9. 5 mins - 3rd Song:   Closing Song - __________________________
  10. 2 mins - Closing Prayer - _________________________

  1. COVID 19 Alert.  Cases went up the past week.   Wear your mask if you are not vaccinated and older and has pre existing condition.  For Vaccination information, see Sally, Luz, Lita, or Tess.   
  2. Business Meeting has been moved to next Sunday August 8.  Please make a note on this.  
  3. Sound System Equipment Upstairs.  Please see Randy B. if you are able to store filam's equipment in your place.      
  4. Thank You to:   Grab and Go ___________________________  .
  5. Men's Breakfast Fellowship and Work Day with the Men of Mililani Baptist Church on Saturday, August 14, 2nd Saturday.  730am.  Food, Singing, Prayer and fellowship.  Invite your young boys to join. A workday will follow at 8:30 for those who can stay.  You may call Bro. John Dionisio at (808) 551-4187.
  6. Deacon training seminar on August 16, go to oahubaptist.net to sign up.and for more information 
  7. Happy August Birthdays

    1. August 15 - Rian Beltran 
    2. August 25 - Luisa Gante


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