04-18-22 Worship Details

  1. 2mins - Welcome and Announcements
  2. 5 mins - Opening Song G
  3. 2 mins - Prayer - Updated prayer requests here
  4. 5 mins - 2nd Song - A 
  5. 2 mins - Offertory -
  6. 5 mins - Special Music 
  7. 25 mins - Sermon - 
  8. 5 mins - Invitation
  9. 5 mins - Closing Song with all j am - E - F -  G 
  10. 2 mins - Closing Prayer 


  1. Annie Armstrong Prayer for Missionaries.  Today is the 7th day of our prayer emphasis.  We focus praying for North American missionaries, Jacob and Francine Zailan from California.  Let's pause and pray for them right now.     Matthew, please post their picture up in the screen. It is found here...   http://filambaptist.blogspot.com/2021/04/filam-annie-armstrong-easter-missions.html   
  2. Annie Armstrong Easter Offering will be collected on the last Sunday of April (April 25).  
  3. Mother's Day Celebration, May 9, 2021
  4. Ministry Rehearsals:  
    1. Handbell Rehearsals every Monday at 5pm.   
    2. Ukulele Rehearsals every Sunday after church. 
    3. Children's Rehearsals during children's church
    4. Youth Rehearsals every ____________________
  5. Happy April Birthdays And Anniversaries
8 - Eva Murallos
8 - Gloria Rone
10 - Pastor Bong Abagon
11 - AJ Gante
21 - Jean Pacua
21 - TJ Catingub

April Anniversaries
7 - Marlon and Luz Gante

Volunteers:  Thank you for your hard work 

Ushers:  Group 1 (Usher schedule here
Tech Team:
Praise Team:
Sunday School Team:  
Grab and  Go:  ________________________________



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