Mililani Fil-Am Baptist meets at 94-293 Anania Dr, Mililani, HI 96789 (Mililani Baptist Church) Sunday School, 11:30am at the lanai Sunday Service, 1pm at the sanctuary FB LIVE HERE WORSHIP ORDER Welcome Song Blessed Assurance Welcome & Announcements Randy Beltran Opening Prayer Pastor Page Ayalde Pray for Kat's Dad who had a mild stroke; Pray for safety to those traveling: Kat and the kids; Jean at Vegas; Robert and Rossana in Phil; Jen in California; Pray for families of church members that they may get closer to God Worship Praise Songs Micah Abagon and Praise Team Praise Song Offertory Prayer Jay Nocasa Special Music Beltran Family Message By Pastor Bong Abagon What does it mean to be convicted by the HS? John 16:1-15; Acts 16:25-34 Closing Song Closing Prayer ========================== Sunday Announcements If you want to follow these announcements, scan the QR Code or save this link FilAmSun...