Today's Study is entitled: The Shattered Broken Kingdom A study of the Old Testament Survey, A Kingdom In Exile Subtitle: God's Pauses Are Good ORDER OF PROGRAM, 12:30 PM 2mins - Welcome and Announcements. Marlon Gante. 5 mins - Opening Song - 10,000 Reasons, Robert Mindo and Praise Team 2 mins - Prayer - Updated prayer requests here 5 mins - 2nd Song - You Shine 2 mins - Annie Armstrong Easter Offering Pray for Jacob and Francine missionaries in California. Play the video here: https://www.anniearmstrong.com/resource/jacob-francine-zailian-reaching-the-lost-cause/ Offertory -Group 2 usher: Jay, Louie, and Eldon 5 mins - Special Music 25 mins - Sermon - The Shattered Kingdoms 5 mins - Invitation 5 mins - Closing Song - Blessed Be Your Name Benevolence Offering: Gina Maban's brother passed away two week ago. We would like to extend our heartfelt gift to her by collecting an offering today. ...