12-27-2020 Program, Announcements and Songs
Welcome to Fil-Am Baptist Church. Here you will find the program, songs, sermons, announcements, volunteers, and connection card. PROGRAM 1:00-1:05 pm - Welcome and Announcements: - Randy Beltran 1:05 - 1:12 pm - Song 1: Angels We Have Heard On High 1:12-1:14 - pm - Opening Prayer - Robert Fox Church prayer request here. 1:14 - 1:22 pm - Song 2: We Are The Reason 1:45 - 1:50 Collection of Offering. Ushers # 2: _________________ 1:45 Offertory Prayer - _____________________________ 1:45- 1:50 - Special Music - Handbells & Ukulele 1:22 - 1:45 pm- (20 mins) Message: Pastor Bong Topic: Prophetic Christmas Bible Verse: Luke 1:32-35 1:50 - 1:52 - Closing Prayer & Benediction, Pastor Bong Abagon 1:52 - 1:59 pm - Song # 3 O Praise The Name SONGS Song Leader: Jay Nocasa Song 1: Angels We Have HEard...