07-26-2020 Filam Sunday Program, Announcements and Volunteers
Song 1: Blessed Be The Name of the Lord Song 2: Goodness of God Song 3: The Lion and the Lamb PROGRAM 1:00 pm - Welcome and Announcements: - Marlon Gante 1:05 pm - Song#1 - "Goodness of God" by Jenn Johnson. Jay (Guitar) / Gloricel (Vocal) / Lyric (Vocal) / Micah / John / Miko / Randy (Kboard) / Mercy (Piano) 1:10 pm Opening Prayer - Deacon Vic Gante 1:15 pm - Song # 2 - Praise Team. "Greater Things" by Mack Brock 1:15 pm Children dismiss - Tina Abagon 1:15 pm- Message: Pastor Bong 1:45 pm - Offertory Reminder: Jennifer Gonzaga; Offertory Prayer: Tess Gante 1:50 pm - Special Music: Mercy and Marlyn 1:55pm - Song #3: Praise Team: The Lion and The Lamb by Bid Daddy Weave 2:00 pm - Closing Prayer & Benediction ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome to our First Time Guests and Returning Visitors Many thanks to Children's Church and Youth Parents for the last hiking and beach yesterday at ...